According to the book Women Don’t Ask: Negotiation and the Gender Divide by Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever, women who consistently negotiate their salary earn at least $1 million more during their career than women who don’t. And 20 percent of women say they never negotiate at all, even when they know they should.
3) Sonia: Use your employee benefits
I know it may sound and look lame to go to the HR every Thursday and ask for those discount movies tickets, but would you rather have some extra money that you can afford to lose, or keep face in front of the HR lady who is probably using the perks herself? Many companies offer many trendy benefits, from sporting events to discount on museums and many other secret ones that you wouldn’t know unless you dig in your employee benefit manual.
4) Jaclyn: Carpool to Work
“Well I have no drivers license in the US (no joke) so I have no excuse not to carpool. But this lack of skill led me to learn about all the benefits of carpooling; financial and environmental!”
From a financial perspective, not only will you save money on gas by sharing a ride, but you’ll also save money that would normally go toward the natural daily wear and tear in your car – engines, brakes, tires, etc. Furthermore, many organizations, offer reward programs to local carpoolers. You can log your carpool commute with these organizations and get cash in your wallet. Some insurance companies offer discounts to people who rideshare, and sometimes carpoolers receive access to special parking spots.
On the other hand, when you share a ride, you’re helping to protect our environment. According to Sightline Institute, the average car with a single driver emits 1.10 lbs of carbon dioxide per mile. When you carpool, an average car with three passengers naturally decreases that number by one-third – to only 0.37 lbs of carbon dioxide per mile.
Article Source:
5) Kiana: Learn new skills
Every new skill can come in handy one day, and all of us are capable of mastering unique skills. Be aware of your skills and be proud of them. Make it your goal to take advantage of all your skills, because after all, there is a reason why you have them, and you don’t want to waste a thing!
2) ミシェル:交渉する
Linda Babcockと Sara Lascheverの『Women Don’t Ask: Negotiation and the Gender Divide』によると、常に自分の給料について交渉している女性はそうでない女性に比べて少なくとも100万ドルは多くキャリア中に稼いでいます。そして、なんと20%の女性は一度も交渉したことがないそうです。本当は交渉するべきだと思っていても。
3) ソニア:福利厚生を使う
4) ジャクリーン:カープール(相乗り)で仕事に
5) キアナ:新しいスキルを学ぶ

#1 Best Selling Author. Helping you accelerate your retirement with Triple Compounding™ Former engineer on a mission to help 1 million households take control of their finances. Founder & CEO of Invest Diva.