Productivity Tips For Moms – How to Get Things Done

Productivity Tips For Moms – How to Get Things Done

productivity tips

Moms are probably the busiest people on this planet, yet they get very little recognition for what they do. They take care of themselves, their kids, their family, their career, and a lot more. 

But still, when we talk about productivity tips, they’re mostly for entrepreneurs, business owners, students, and professionals. 

However, in real life, moms are the ones who need all the productivity tips because of the amount of work they have on their heads at any given point in time. 

If you’re a mom who struggles with getting things done on time or at all, then this is the place for you because America’s #1 Mom Coach at Mom Mastery University, Hannah Keeley, is here to help. 

In this blog, she’ll tell us how a mom’s brains literally transform after they give birth and how to work around that to get stuff done without feeling exhausted, and without feeling down all the time. 

In other words, Hannah is going to give us moms productivity tips to help you get organized and get stuff done with kids, babies, and toddlers at home.

How A Mom’s Brain Changes After Giving Birth

A lot of moms struggle with getting results because they can’t get things done. They take new year resolutions to lose weight, declutter the home, complete that course on parenting, but in the end, nothing seems to happen. 

Hannah says it’s not your fault because a woman’s brain MRI before she has a baby, and after she has a baby, there is a significant shrinking of gray matter in your brain. So “Mom brain” is a real phenomenon.

And here’s the deal, the gray matter doesn’t come back. Which means there are significant physiological changes in a mom’s brain, which are permanent, and now, you have to work around the way that your brain is wired so you can actually start getting results. 

This is the reason why most of the productivity tips don’t work for you as a mom. These productivity guides are created by and for people who probably work in offices, can focus on their work, can take a lunch break, and pee with their door shut. 

And then, there comes the mom who can’t even get 5 minutes for herself, let alone sitting for 30 minutes to meditate and calm their mind. 

Also Read: Why Womens Need Prenup For a Better Married Life

Types of Moms

According to Hannah, there are two types of people- the SCPs and the MVPs. The SCPs (Singular Constant Professionals) are the kind of people who can focus their attention in a singular direction over a constant period of time. 

In simple words, they are the ones who can meditate for 30 minutes in the morning, they’re the people who take a 1:15 PM lunch break and walk around the office. They have the natural ability to be organized.

On the other hand, there are MVPs (Multi-Variable Professionals). These are the people who have multiple variables coming at them from all directions all the time. This is what most of the moms are, and not by choice. 

Moms naturally have multiple things, like budgeting, decluttering, taking care of kids, at hand that it’s almost impossible to focus on one thing for an extended period of time.  Also, the shrinking of gray matter already causes the loss of ability to focus for too long. 

But not all changes that occur in a mom’s brain are bad. After having a child, your brain becomes so much more perceptive about your environment on a subconscious level. 

You might have noticed it, moms are acutely aware of their surroundings, especially in relation to their children.

You yourself, if you’re a mom, might have noticed how you start pushing knives, scissors, and edges away from the reach of your kids when you visit your friend’s house.

This is why it is crucial that you learn to live with these new powers and new limitations of your mom’s brain to be productive.

And it’s really simple if you know that you’re a Multi-variable professional, and this is how your brain is wired. You can start working towards your strengths and weaknesses to get things done easier and faster. 

How to be More Productive 

Ok, so we know that “mom brain” is a real phenomenon, and there are physiological changes that occur in a women’s mind, but that doesn’t tell us much about being productive and getting things done faster.

Are there any actual steps that you, as a mom, can take in your everyday life to start seeing results? Well, there are! And let’s go through them one by one. 

Focus on One Thing 

As a mom, you might have a long list of things that you want in life or wanna get done, and that’s not a bad thing at all. However, you should understand that you can’t get that all done at once.

So, the first productivity tips is, instead of focusing on everything at once, channel your energy on one thing. One routine that you can start to establish in your life.

Because here’s the thing with the mom’s brain, if you can find success in one small area of life, then all of sudden, you’ll start seeing success in other areas of your life as well.

One simple thing to do is just make up your bed in the morning. That might sound frivolous, but once you start your day with the accomplishment of a task, it gives you a great headstart. 

As a mom, you already get to experience very few rewards or feelings of self-accomplishment, so it’s important for your brain to get that feeling in small things you do. It doesn’t even matter how big or small your accomplishment is.

Be Critical of Your Self Talk

Moms are very critical of themselves but what you need to do instead is be extremely critical of your self-talk, not yourself.

Hannah recommends using this technique called “Judge Judy”, where you imagine yourself as the judge of your own self-talk and decide whether something is allowed or not allowed.

So every time a thought comes up like, “I’m never gonna lose weight” or “I’m gonna be forever broke” or “this house will never get cleaned up”. 

Start judging these thoughts from a third-person point of view, and think, “Am I gonna allow this in my court, or am I gonna overrule this and throw out this evidence.”

Another good way to judge your thoughts is to ask yourself if you would say the same thing to one of your friends. If not, then why being so harsh on yourself?