Honored with Women of Influence Award

Honored with Women of Influence Award

Standing alongside with New York’s brightest businesswomen, I was honored with a Women of Influence award by the New York Business Journal and Bizwomen yesterday, for paying it forward in the community through philanthropy and mentoring.

I certainly owe this one to you, my fabulous reader, who has encouraged me and helped me stay motivated with my mission in the past several years.

I started Invest Diva the first day of January 2012, after I came back from a club in NYC. If you have ever tried it, it is never as glamorous as they make it look on TV. At least one person ends up vomiting, and another loses their phone (without fail, E-V-E-R-Y YEAR!)

So that year, I decided to come back home, and start the new year in a new style; by writing the first page of my now published book, Invest Diva’s Guide to Making Money in Forex.

I have overcome humiliation, rejection, and people telling me I’m stupid for thinking this is a good idea, and that I should get a “real” job. I have also encountered huge amount of heart-warming support, from old friends, new friends I made along the way, and even total strangers. Some days have been ultra productive and others have been slow. But throughout the years, my mission has remained the same:

Empower & educate women to grow their wealth, by investing like a ROCK STAR.

During the Award ceremony at NYC’s Harvard Club on Wednesday, I asked the panelists how to encourage more women join a movement they are not really familiar with, and may even be scared of because it is a male-dominated arena.

They answer was simple: it is hard.

In my dictionary, “hard” is a piece of cake*. And now I’m more motivated than ever to continue with mission, and ask you to join me and SPREAD THE WORD.

Why do we do it?

  1. There is a disproportion between the number of  women and men who invest
  2. Women who do invest, have a higher return than their male counterparts
  3. The number 1 reason women DON’T invest is because they are scared. The fear comes from lack of education

How we do it?

  1. Education videos
  2. Books
  3. Private consulting sessions
  4. Webinars

Join the club, and sign up free.

*Let’s not turn this one into a “that’s what she said” joke 🙂