Triple Compounding™ By Invest Diva

Triple Compounding™ By Invest Diva

triple compounding

What exactly is Triple Compounding™? Let’s find out…

Whether or not you are new to the world of investing, you will have almost certainly heard of the concept of compound interest.

Albert Einstein talked about compound interest being the eighth wonder of the world. “He who understands it, earns it … he who doesn’t … pays it.”  BUT – I bet you’ve not heard about the even more powerful concept of Triple Compounding™.

Triple Compounding™ refers to a simple system and a clever methodology and strategy developed by Kiana Danial, CEO of Invest Diva. In fact Invest Divas most popular investing course worldwide demonstrates the 9 Secrets To Accelerate ​Your Financial Freedom​ with Triple Compounding™ without taking stupid risks, even if you are super busy, a total newbie and not a math whiz.

Triple Compounding YouTube Short Overview Video By Kiana Danial

Before You Start Triple Compounding™.

Kiana recommends that you need to know what your financial freedom number is and what goal you are aiming for. Here is a simple example.

Step 1 – figure out your total expenses per year.
Step 2 – divide the result by 0.04.

Voila! Now you know what you’re aiming for – for example 60,000 divided by 0.04 = $1.5M.

In this example – $1.5M would be your financial freedom number.

Triple Compounding™ is a way to help you achieve your financial freedom number much faster!

Learning Triple Compounding™ Is Perfect For You If You Are:

✅ Busy high level professional who is stuck in the rat race and wants to become financially free and work optional.
✅Parent who wants to have a peace of mind about your financial future & create a better financial future for your family but have no clue where to start…
✅Growth oriented, driven cycle breaker who is committed to breaking your families financial struggle cycle & create generational wealth.
✅You’ve tried investing but have fallen victim of volatility & mixed messages from different resources & financial gurus…  and are scared of doing it again…
✅You’re fed up with your financial advisor, want to become your own money manager, take control of your financial future and make your money work for you.

Learning Triple Compounding™ Is Not For You If:

⛔You’re looking for get-rich-quick lottery-style “magic” to take you from 0 to one million dollars overnight.
⛔You’re looking for day-trading or scalping schemes.
⛔You are willing to listen to every news source on a daily basis and weed through every YouTube guru’s analysis to figure out the right strategy for you.
⛔ You like to play victim or prove me wrong just to feel significant.
⛔You’re NOT an action taker and are not willing to put in the initial work to get things set up and take control of your financial future.

You’ve probably heard the phrase that delay is the enemy of wealth and this is certainly true for compounding too!

triple compounding

Stage 1 of Triple Compounding™


Invest in yourself to learn a new skill so that you can increase your income. Cut back on all unnecessary expenses to help reduce reverse compounding.

In this first stage you would want to consider investing in yourself and your education by joining Invest Divas Triple Compounding™ training system. Once you have joined, Kiana will reveal her Income Ninja Hacks module, giving you inspiration and guidance on how to increase your income.

Stage 2 of Triple Compounding™


Kiana talks about the importance of automating all of this additional income to go straight into an investment portfolio. The cool thing about automating a portion of your income is that it goes out of your account and into your investment portfolio before you even see it. And if you don’t see it, you’re not going to miss it!

If you don’t automate this, you’ll probably find it harder to let go of your emotions and make the Triple Compounding™ System work for you. Unfortunately we see a lot of people who make vast sums of money still living pay check to pay check because they fall for something called “lifestyle inflation.”

Stage 3 of Triple Compounding™


Learning to master and apply the Invest Diva Diamond System helps members accelerate the rate of compounding in their portfolio. This is the exact method that helped Kiana herself accelerate the compounding of her own investment portfolios from a $500 starting point to the $5.4M+ it is now at the time of writing this blog post.

We all have to start somewhere though and when Kiana first started to build her portfolio, she consistently contributed at least $500 per month until she learned how to increase her income and then she contributed far more.

What Gets In The Way Of Triple Compounding™?

Reverse Compounding – You need to stop it!

Hang on a minute – what on earth is reverse compounding I hear you say?!

Here’s a list of some of the ways people are reverse compounding right now. 

  • Hidden fees in real estate?
  • Bad debt? 401K hidden fees?
  • Insurance add-ons?
  • Bank fees?
  • Cell phone hidden fees?
  • Taxes because you haven’t optimised your tax plan?

Kiana often talks about frequently seeing people automating a percentage of their income into their 401K but do you know where your investments actually go when you have a 401K? They often go right into mutual funds and mutual funds generally underperform the average market growth.

This can be why so many people are shocked and disappointed with the returns even after 10, 20 or 30+ years!

While the best time to start compounding your money was 20 years ago, the second best time is certainly today. It is never too late to start.

The good news is that by reading this post you are clearly seeking the knowledge and education that is going to help you generate more income, automate your contributions, and accelerate your Triple Compounding™.

To Recap – Here Are The 5 Steps To Get Started with Triple Compounding™:

Step #1: Generate more income with a High Yield Savings Account.
Step #2: Break down your goals.
Step #3: Identify your unique risk tolerance to find out exactly how much you should be Triple Compounding™.
Step #4: Use a high reputation and low fee online broker app so that you can automate your contributions.
Step #5: Accelerate your Triple Compounding™ using the Invest Diva Diamond System.

In the Invest Diva Triple Compounding™ free training, Kiana talks about the major shift that you need to make right now in your life and in your families life to transform from a “Consumer” to a “Compounder.”

With the Invest Diva Triple Compounding™ method, you will be learning exactly how to generate income within your portfolio, how to automate it and how to accelerate your profits. With practice many Invest Diva Triple Compounding™ members are able to do all this in just 1 hour per month. Yes – only 1 hour per month!

Are you excited about the possibilities of Triple Compounding™ for you? You should be!

I’m very excited to tell you that you need absolutely no past experience to learn Triple Compounding™

As one of Invest Divas most successful members, I sometimes provide helpful Q&A or strategy coaching calls to empower, inspire and motivate other Invest Diva members to achieve the success that they desire.

Did you also know that we discovered that often, having less experience is actually better because there’s nothing that you need to unlearn! No bad habits to unlearn! No thinking you know better attitude!

We see over and over again that having less experience can help you make more money, especially if you are open minded, positive and coachable and are simply able to follow Kiana’s proven strategies step by step inside of her most popular Triple Compounding™ course.

The great news is that the Invest Diva Triple Compounding™ method works in ANY economic conditions, whether it’s a recession, high inflation, low inflation or extreme market volatility.

You can go at your own pace or you can do this Triple Compounding™ course as fast as me if you like! I blasted through the Triple Compounding™ course in just 3 short days with absolutely no prior experience, just with a red hot burning desire and I went on to build my first investment portfolio within 7 days.

triple compounding

By applying the strategies taught in the course, I took massive action and accelerated the growth of my portfolios to reach the $100K+ mark within 5.5 months, onto $200K+ 6 months later and then $500K+ 18 months after that. Now I’m striving for that $1M+ portfolio which is firmly in my sights.

Triple Compounding™ Next Steps

Click here to register for the Triple Compounding™ free training right now.

If you’ve still got any questions after watching this value packed Triple Compounding™ free training – I might offer a few of you the rare opportunity to jump on an exclusive private 1 to 1 Zoom call with me so that you can directly ask me any questions.

Important – Time is our most valuable asset, so if you do book a call with me, please be cool and ensure you show up. You will have seen plenty of me when you watch the Triple Compounding™ training so it will definitely feel like you are not talking to a stranger when you book your call which people tell me is very reassuring!

Booking a call with me is only for those who are serious and not just curious. I want to speak to people who are ready to invest in their own education just like I was and take action once they get their questions answered.

If you still want to know more about this topic, take a look at my blog post here called “What Is Triple Compounding”.

On the Triple Compounding™ training you’ll FIND OUT IF YOU QUALIFY FOR THE CYCLE BREAKERS FINANCIAL FREEDOM GRANT. The amount and qualification details are revealed at the end of the training. You’ll also get Kiana’s risk management toolkit as well so definitely make sure you stay until the end. Save your seat here at the next available Triple Compounding™ training session.

Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice. This information is for educational purposes only.  This post ‘Triple Compounding By Invest Diva’ may contain affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no cost to you. Please see terms of service page for more information.