Should I Move Credit Card Debt To A Personal Loan? This is a question in the minds of many of our Invest Divas who can’t start investing because they are in debt and are wondering how to get out of debt to become debt-free.
If that’s you, then you’re in luck because my guest today is Beverly Harzog, a credit card junkie who is a nationally recognized personal finance and credit card expert for U.S. News & World Report. She’s also the bestselling and award-winning author of five personal finance books. Before she became a credit card expert, she actually maxed out seven credit cards and racked up more than $20,000 worth of credit card debt, and she was able to get out of it in only 2 years.
That’s why there’s no one better than her to share the debt payment strategy that you can use for your personal credit repair because unlike Dave Ramsey (who I respect by all means) Beverly has actually been in this situation before.
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Should You Take A Personal Loan To Pay Credit Card Debt?
According to Beverly, this is a case-by-case possibility.
For example, if you have credit card debt but have an excellent credit score. In this case, you could consider moving your credit card debt to a personal loan.
In this case, you can move your credit card debt into a balance transfer credit card. Then you can spend anywhere between 12-20 more months to pay down that balance interest-free.
After you watch the video, go to the comment section and let me know if it makes sense for you to move your credit card debt to a personal loan.
How To Take Control Of Your Financial Future
And Make Your Money Work For You,
So You Can Sleep Soundly At Night
(Without relying on your husband and even if are super busy)
Credit Card Debt Expert: Beverly Harzog
Beverly Harzog is a nationally recognized personal finance and credit card expert for U.S. News & World Report. She’s also the bestselling and award-winning author of five personal finance books. She is also a former shopaholic who maxed out seven credit cards and racked up more than $20,000 worth of credit card debt, and shares the debt payment strategy she used to get out of debt in just two years!
Beverly Harzog’s Career
Before becoming a writer, she worked as a CPA for the former BellSouth Mobility. After maxing out seven credit cards and getting into credit card debt, she decided to leave her cubicle to become a financial journalist and help others avoid the mistakes she had made. Through her books and media appearances, she’s become well-known in the credit industry as a consumer advocate.
Harzog was a successful freelance journalist for over 20 years, writing for major national magazines and custom publications. She became so entrenched in the credit industry, that in 2008, she was approached by to be a credit card spokesperson for their site. In 2010, Harzog then went on to become the credit card expert for
Her Credit Card Journey in the Past Decade…
In 2012, Harzog became an independent credit card expert. During this time, she did media tours for her books and was quoted extensively in the media.
She was also a columnist and the consumer credit advisor for LendingTree, a contributing editor to, and the credit card guide (and credit card processing guide) for She still runs a popular consumer credit blog on her website at
In June, 2018, Harzog became the personal finance and credit card expert for U.S. News & World Report. She does media interviews and writes weekly about personal finance and credit cards.
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