You want to invest your money with an authorized broker. The level of security is the first and foremost characteristic of a broker. You don’t want to hand over your hard earned money to a company that only claims it’s legit, right? Invest Diva thinks being regulated by at least two strict international regulatory authorities is mandatory.
Strict international regulatory authorities include the following:
NFA (National Futures Association) |
United States |
FSA (Financial Services Authority) |
United Kingdom |
FSA (Financial Services Agency) |
Japan |
FINMA (Financial Market Supervisory Authority) |
Switzerland |
ASIC (Australian Securities and Investment Commission) |
Australia |
DFSA (Danish Financial Supervisory Authority) |
Denmark |
AMF (Autorité des marchés financiers)
France |
BAFIN (Federal Financial Supervisory Authority—in German, Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) |
Germany |
FRA (Financial Regulations Agency) |
Russia |
Brokers that are authorized through the MiFID (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive) to operate in more than one country inEurope, but are not regulated through the authorities of those countries, are not considered acceptable!
So the first thing you need to do, before you even think about giving your money to a broker, is to make sure that the broker is regulated by two or more of the bodies just mentioned.
大事なお金はきちんとしたブローカーに預けたいわよね。安全性は最初のかつ最も大事なブローカーの特性。合法ですよ、なんていうだけの会社に一生懸命働いて稼いだお金をあげるなんてもってのほかでしょ?Invest Divaでは少なくとも2つ以上の厳格な国際機関に監視されていることが必須の条件だと考えています。
NFA (National Futures Association) | アメリカ |
FSA (Financial Services Authority) | イギリス |
FSA (Financial Services Agency) | 日本 |
FINMA (Financial Market Supervisory Authority) | スイス |
ASIC (Australian Securities and Investment Commission) | オーストラリア |
DFSA (Danish Financial Supervisory Authority) | デンマーク |
AMF (Autorité des marchés financiers) | フランス |
BAFIN (Federal Financial Supervisory Authority—in German, Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) | ドイツ |
FRA (Financial Regulations Agency) | ロシア |