International Women’s Day Sale

International Women’s Day Sale

Happy International Women’s Day ya’ll!! As promised, we have a special gift for you.

Copy Promo Code: WomensDay

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In the US alone (the women empowerment center of the world) only less than 5% of traders are women. If you think this is sad, scientific research has actually shown that women are in fact better traders than men, for various reasons including their maternal instincts to protect their offspring. Success stories from our students at Invest Diva shows that education, can make a big difference and can help every woman to become a successful trader.

Success Stories
Starting with myself, I was just a college student in Japan when I got introduced to forex trading, and doubled my $10,000 in less than a month during the market crash of 2008. Since then, I’ve dedicated my career to trading education and empowerment.

A single mother… and a trader
Melissa Andrews increased her portfolio by 20% last year after undergoing the Invest Diva education course.  Her most memorable trade is a long position on EUR/USD where made $2,500 at 5% risk.

In her own words, she says about the Invest Diva education course:

“I’m a single mother and you have inspired me in so many ways, your book as well as your coffee break courses, are well written and highly educational. I love knowing how to trade currencies and keeping up with world news. I’m having fun while making some supplemental income. It’s very empowering.”

Book your lesson now

I will be away for two weeks to get wedded in Hawaii… but this doesn’t stop me from wanting to help more people to learn how to invest responsibly. Schedule your lesson today before it’s too late, and I’ll get on it the minute I’m back from my honeymoon!