Before making an investment decision on your, you need to calculate your capital, the spread with your broker, and the leverage that makes sense to your trade and capital, to avoid unpredicted losses. This can also be called risk management.
Depending on your capital and the amount of money you have in your account, your trading strategy should differ. Every time you get in and out of a trade, you pay a fee to your broker which is called the spread- the difference between the bid and ask price. Furthermore, you have the option of using a leverage that often is available anywhere from 2 to 50 times. Learn deeply about this once you are eligible to drink your Capital Beans.
あなたの資産と、口座にあるお金の量で投資戦略は異なってきます。取引する度にスプレッドと呼ばれる手数料をブローカーに支払う必要があることを忘れないで。スプレッドとはビッド価格とアスク価格の差のこと。それから、あなたはレバレッジを利用できるわ。レバレッジは2倍から50倍まで利用可能。(日本は金融庁により2011年8月から最大25倍までに規制) レバレッジに関して詳しくはキャピタルビーンズで学習します。