Trade Invest – Grow Your Wealth through Investing

Trade Invest – Grow Your Wealth through Investing

If you trade invest or do any other sort of activity to grow your wealth, this article for you. We guide you with the investing process to reach your goals. Invest Diva is an online education service which helps you become your own investment manager. We do this through series of investing education, including financial planning, risk management, and investment strategy development customized to each investor’s goals and risk tolerance.

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What is investing? 

An investment focuses on a long term growth of your wealth through buying and holding.

What is trading?

Trading involves more frequent buying and selling.

Both have their own pros and cons. However, if you are not a professional trader who enjoys sticking his/her nose to the screen all day, I recommend most Invest Diva students choose to become an investor (in anything) rather than a trader.

Trade Invest with Purpose

Can you imagine what it’s gonna be like someday, that you wake up in the morning and check your bank account and see over night you made your first $1000 literally without having done ANYTHING (other than sleeping)?

So do you want to know the easy way to do this without having to stick to your screen all the time?

Sad if you don’t Trade Invest

Just imagine in a month from now, what would you do with your life if you can achieve that? What’s your life’s gonna be like? What’s your family’s gonna say? what’s your spouse gonna say when they realize that you’re making more than they do? Or if you help them do the same thing so you can all make more money?

It’s pretty exciting don’t you think?

To achieve this type of results, you need to trade invest with purpose to grow your wealth. Otherwise, you are just gambling your money, and probably blowing it all up eventually.

Trade Invest Process

The first thing you need to do in online risk management is calculating your risk tolerance. We will call this Step Zero.

This is not a one-size-fits-all thing. Each individual must calculate it personally before even thinking of joining the online markets. In this free workshop, Invest Diva gives you the basic tools to calculate your risk tolerance.

Free WorkShop: 3 Secrets to Making Your Money Work for You

Then, we need to take on the investment planning process for the type of investment that is suitable for our financial goals and is in line with our risk tolerance.

Trade Invest Process

The process includes these 4 steps.

Step #1: Create a written investment policy statement (with risk tolerance derived from the questionnaire you just filled out.) This will eventually help you build your own investment strategy.

This helps you create an investment policy to ensure realistic return goals consistent with acceptable risk, and enforce discipline in the investment process.

STEP 2: Examine the external environment focusing on expected short-term and medium-term economic, legal, political, social and tax conditions.

STEP #3: Select an investment portfolio consistent with your investment policy statement.

STEP 4: Periodically monitor, update and evaluate your investment performance, together with your financial adviser.

You also have to be up to date with the external environment mentioned in step #2.

Online risk measurement can be done through the Modern Portfolio, Efficient Frontier, and CAPM  to use Beta to estimate returns. In the Make Your Money Work for You PowerCourse, we teach you how to effectively calculate all this, and create a customized portfolio based on your financial goals and risk tolerance.

Happy if you trade invest

If you are serious about investing, you need to be educated. You need to calculate your risk tolerance, develop an investment policy statement and create a portfolio suitable to YOUR need.  Make sure you attend this free workshop to learn more about the steps you need to take in order to make your money work for you.

Reserve Your Seat: 3 Secrets to Making Your Money Work for YOU