Here are some “loser” factors at a forex party:
- You don’t treat forex trading as an investment
- You think trading forex is a get-rich-quick solution
- You don’t understand the risks of forex trading
- You get emotional about your losses, and just to prove that you are not a loser, get into another wrong trade
- You only listen to the news when making a trading decision
- You only follow your heart and intuition
- You only do technical analysis
- You only follow the market sentiment
- You combine only two or three of the factors above
- You get overly excited about your wins, think you are the Nostradamus of forex and place a foolish trade
- You are not educated to trade forex
One of the main arguments against forex is that “it’s too risky.” Well, that is true, but so are all the other investment and trading instruments. While trading currencies off a platform can be very easy, you need to learn and be educated on how to read the market, how to place safe trades and how to manage your risk. That is why at we have created the easiest and most entertaining forex education videos that you can watch during your coffee breaks, and learn all about how to invest safely in the forex market
- 為替取引(FX)を投資だと思ってない。
- 為替取引(FX)はお金を手っ取り早く稼ぐ方法だと思っている。
- 為替取引(FX)の リスクを理解していない。
- 損失に対し感情的になり、また失敗を認めたくないゆえにさらに間違った取引に足をつっこむ。
- 取引の判断をするとき、ニュースしか聞かない。
- 直感に従ってしまう。
- テクニカル分析しかやらない。
- 市場センチメントに左右される。
- 二つか三つの指標しか見ていない。
- 自信過剰になって、自分は為替のノストラダムスだと思い込んだ結果愚かな取引をしてしまう。
- 為替取引に関しての教育を受けていない。